
Les confidences de Calypso

Jeudi 15 septembre 2011 à 21:14

  I don't remember the last time....maybe it was early in the morning.... maybe between to sleeps
What i remember is two people happy, breathing from one breath
And today all i can see is two people who were looking to much for hapiness,
the sort you have to get yourself so you're never satisfied with others..
And they were in fact two people trying to breath the same air...


In appearance i shall be happy....good him with a good me
But it's like something i won over has been taken away from me 
and i'm so miserable now
I certainly  put too much heart in every little thing i do,
so think what it is with persons i have feelings for.
People have gotten in our way
It had mad us grow  stronger and then  weaker than ever
basically i should be mad at those little things
but then i can only be  mad at you for not being
one of those strong walls that shakes but never collapse
I had forgotten many times how young and naive you were 
And that's the worse, i could never be mad at you
because you clearly don't know what you are doing and you don't know what is love
you just pretend you do at the beginning but then no one can be fooled about love
In fact you never, you do what you want it's what you are good at i thought
but in fact you're just good at following what traps you in the moment
you move on all the time, from things to things, you never settle down
You want many things but sometimes i'm to affraid to consider that your priorities
make you such a selfish person.
I have feelings left for you and i am trying to dump you everytime i can because hell, " love" never hurt this much with anyone else but you
but i always give you excuses and i back off as a coward.
Yes i am so afraid to be alone or most of all to be abandoned 
It's what you did to me... you've created this nasty dependance in me.
You created the promises of tomorrow's loneliness without you.
So yes, i'm saying it i prefer to suffer with you making me endure many things than suffering your absence alone.
You're going to kill me , you're goign to kill every left pieces of me that was worth seeing or cheerful.
I'm turning into an enormous melancholia.
I can't remember the past this well and i'm to afraid of the future, and the present is do STILL...
I don't feel like i'm in a relationship anymore, it's like i'm next to a stranger that acts like a boyfriend, he makes love to me, sometimes he talks to me, he makes jokes but don't share no more, they are no more SPARKLES.
I'm not anymore your center of attention and i feel i loose you every second, it's like being in a slowmotion movie when you know you're gonna die , and you can nearly endure the pain a hundred times before actually feeling it, please please do something help us going trough your disinterest in me.
every time i hear on the phone i realize i'm not your lover anymore, because you have that peculiar tone that someone takes when he's in a rush.
I know you are not sorry....and i am not too....i'm actually really sad..for myself... i should have seen that coming, a long time ago
What was in you that fooled me enough so i could believe again i could be lucky  on this.



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